
Planning for Retirement

A lot of people do not seriously consider their superannuation performance until they approach retirement and by then it’s more difficult to accumulate the wealth required to maintain their preferred lifestyle in retirement. The pension is not a lucrative form of income. If you want a comfortable retirement you need to address your superannuation and the sooner you start, the better.

Find your missing super and consolidate it into one fund

Provide bespoke financial advice customised to your life stage, individual needs and goals

Provide advice on: Personal Risk insurance, Investment, Self-Managed Superannuation, Aged Care and Estate Planning as well as general cash flow and budgeting mentoring

Our experienced Financial Adviser can tailor the right strategy for you. Contact us for more information or to arrange a consultation.

Our Clients' Preferred Superannuation Fund

Our sister company, AAA Plus Super, differs from a standard bank super fund or retail super fund because the investments within this fund have been overseen and selected by our Financial Advisor to ensure reliable super returns and strong monetary performance for its members.

Using one, strong super fund is vital to ensure that you accumulate the most super savings.

As a financial advisor guided fund, you have a distinct advantage when opening a super fund with AAA Plus Super. The performance of your super fund will be closely reviewed and adjusted when market conditions dictate it more advantageous to do so.

The super fund is with ING Direct – Living Super which has a CANSTAR 5-star rating for Outstanding Value. In the latest CANSTAR Ratings, Living Super ranked 5/5 for Outstanding Value across the ‘Starter’, ‘Builder’, and ‘Wealth Accumulator’ profiles, and scored 4/5 for the ‘Established’ and ‘Pre-Retiree’ profiles. In all categories, Living Super was assessed as being ahead of the market average for price and feature value.

Finding and Consolidating Lost and Missing Super

If you have had several jobs, you’ve most likely accrued numerous super funds. Inactive funds continue to be subject to a number of fees and charges which eventually drain your super savings. Join Now and AAA Plus Super will find your missing Super and consolidate it into one fund for you.